domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015


I am going to talk about the repercussion that the yesterday’s fact in Paris had in the social networks such as Facebook.

I really agree with the fact of people being supportive with catastrophes as a terrorist attack could be, but, the thing that is making me so angry is just that every single day people die. I mean, what happened yesterday was awful, obviously, but it is happening in countries such as Egypt, Libya, etc, every day. And anybody is making any comment about this. The fact that Parisians are more like neighbours than maybe other people is not a good argument.  I really think so. Every single day around 8.000 people die without any media comment. I am not saying that what happened yesterday should not have this impact, what I am trying to say is that every death should be recognized by the same way. It is not about Paris or Egypt or whatever, we are talking about people, with families, with dreams... We are talking about humans and humanity. Not religion, not location, anything else than people.
That is just because I am not going to change my profile photograph with a Paris flag, and if I did, I would change it with a picture of the whole world.
And please, not only #PrayForParis, instead also ‪‪#PrayforBeirut, #PrayForAfghanistan, #PrayForSyria, #PrayForLibya, #PrayForAnkara, #PrayForBaghdad, #PrayForPalestine, #PrayforMyamar, #PrayForYemen, and so on.

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